LAVORIE Strawberry Soap is very beneficial for the skin with the strawberry extracts it contains. It contains potassium, vitamin C, and folic acid. Recommended for dry skin, strawberry improves the skin when applied to the face.
Strawberry soap has an exfoliating effect and removes scaling on the skin. It is also very useful for hair. When applied to the hair by foaming, it strengthens and nourishes the hair roots. It prevents premature hair loss.
● Thanks to the antioxidant it contains, it cleans the skin and opens the pores. It adds shine to your skin and makes it shine brightly.
● It is effective for dry skin, moisturizes the skin, and keeps the skin saturated with moisture during the day.
● Reduces the appearance of wrinkles. It makes natural botox with its anti-aging effect. It minimizes the effects of aging.
● When regularly used, it gives freshness and brightness to the skin. It keeps the skin bright for a long time.
● It also protects skin texture. It can be used as a cleanser for all skin problems.